Friday, December 7, 2012

New Soap Packaging / Nuevo Epaquetaje para el Jabón

Here is a sneak peak at our new soap packaging. We are moving away from paper packaging. Each soap from now on will go inside a re-usable, locally made, 100% cotton-canvas bag. Aqui les presento unas fotos de nuestro nuevo empaquetaje de jabón. Cada jabón irá en una bolsa de 100% algodón-lienzo, hecho a mano aquí en la zona, que se puede re-usar.
As for as a mission statement for Naturalmente Mediterraneo, although I haven’t shaped it into 1 simple sentence yet, my focus is very clear:
1)    To love what I do
2)   To make people feel fabulous, with soap and skincare products made from only natural ingredients
3)   To use as many local ingredients as possible and support the local economy
Con respecto a una Declaración de Misión para Naturalmente Mediterráneo, aunque no lo tengo en una frase sencilla todavía, mi enfoque está bastante claro:

1)   Encantar lo que hago

2)  Hacer sentir maravilloso a la gente, con jabón y productos para la piel hechos con solamente ingredientes naturales

3)  Usar ingredientes de aquí de la zona y apoyar a la economía local
In line with our focus, packaging was becoming a burden, which was moving me away from #1 - Love what I do, so I knew we had to adapt something. We came up with the bags and I have been on fire, passionately researching, searching, designing and creating them from the moment the idea hit. It just feels right.
Con este enfoque, el empaquetaje nos estaba haciendo mas y mas una carga, desviandome del enfoque Nº1 – Encantar lo que hago, asi que sabia que era hora de adaptar algo. Desde el momento de que se nos ocurrió las bolsas, me apasionó la idea y he estado investigado, buscando material y diseñándolas.
We are getting the material locally, a local seamstress is sewing the bags for us, and the print shop who is applying our logo is less than a 2 minutes’ walk from the studio – supporting local business and providing work here. I am feeling fabulous about the packaging change.
Conseguimos la tela aqui, una costurera nos hace las bolsas y se están imprimiendo cerquita también, a menos de 2 minutos del taller – apoyando los negocios aquí en nuestra zona. Me siento fenomenal con el cambio de empaquetaje.
The only thing that may still change is the label at the top, specifying the soap type… We are still playing with this label. Lo único que puede cambiar todavía es la etiqueta arriba, especificando cada tipo de jabón…. Estamos todavía jugando y probando diferentes diseños de esta.
I wish you all a happy holiday season!! ¡¡Les deseo a todos unas felices fiestas!!


  1. Oh, I love the little bags! That is very wise. And afterwards you can use the bag for something else.

  2. Jen Jen are amazing. Doing what works for you AND your community. We should all be so globally focused. The bags are beyond charming. Great job!

    1. Donna, Thank you!!! I feel great about the change. So glad you like them! xo Jen

  3. Te han quedado muy bonitas y naturales Jen. Felices Fiestas.

  4. Hi Jen! I love the new soap packaging! :)
    Wish you a happy holiday season!

    1. Ayu, Thank you! Glad you like the new bags! Happy holidays to your too. xo Jen

  5. I really,really love,like,adore,this cute and re-usable, locally made, 100% cotton-canvas bag!
    Much Love,

  6. Me parece estupendo, yo hace tiempo que utilizo las bolsas de tela impresa también, me parece una idea limpia y me atrae que sea reutilizable.
    Un abrazo

    1. Hola Julia, Muchas gracias! Felices fiestas, xo Jen

  7. Stunning Jen, absolutely perfect!!!

  8. I love how you work and how much you love what you do! You are my hero!! :) The packing is so beautiful! <3

    1. Nitya, Thank you for your lovely comment. So glad you like the new packaging. Happy holidays, xoxo Jen

  9. Me gustan muchísimo Jen. Quedan preciosas, espero hacerte una visita muy pronto. Un beso.

    1. Hola Blanca, Muchisimas gracias. Encantada que posiblemente vengas a visitar al taller!!! Espero verte pronto. xoxo Jen

  10. Savin Muse, Thank you!!!!! xo Jen

  11. Love your new packaging! It's very eco-chic and beautiful. :)

  12. Hi Jen,it's Maja,I left a comment earlier on your Jenora blog. As you can see,I've started my own blog recently,you're welcome to visit it.
    Just wanted to notice this beautiful packaging you have come up with. I totally support your idea of using local supplies and admire you devotion to beautiful nature. You're such a inspiration!

    1. Hi Maja, Welcome to the blog-world!! Thank you. I love to hear that I could be an inspiration. I couldn't find a simple way to "follow" you on your blog. I don't want to follow by email. Once i can find that, I will join!!! Could idea with the 2 languages... Congratulations!!!!!! xoxox Jen

    2. Hmm,interesting that you mentioned that follow thing. Is there any gadget I should add? I don't use e-mail either for following others.
      I hope translator worked for you,cos my posts seem to be kinda long,that's why I didn't translate them all.
      Anyway,thanks Jen for visiting,I wish you happy and successful holiday season !

    3. Diva, The follow button used to go on your blog automatically. It changed. So I think you need to add your "Followers" square to your blog. Then, just above it the sign-up or follow butter will appear. I think... good luck!!! Merry Christmas!!! xo Jen

  13. Hola Jen, cuántas cosas bonitas y cuanta inspiración en tu tienda, me encanta todo, espero que tu tienda vaya genial, espero poder visitarla algún día. Un abrazo desde el bosque ✿ Silvia.

    1. Silvia, Muchisimas gracias. Me encantaria una visita tuya algún día!!! Felices Fiestas! xoxox Jen

  14. Beautiful packaging, Jen! It fits in so well with your soap's look. And supporting your community? It doesn't get any better.
    Michelle in NV

  15. Michelle, Thank you so much!! Cost is always a dilema but I choose to spend a little more and support local than buy in bulk something that may be made in a sweat shop in China... and hope that my ethics come through in my product so that people understand the price of the product. I try hard to stay true to what I believe in, keeping my passion alive and transmitting that through my products. Loved your comment. happy holidays! xo xo xo Jen
